Criminal Law Firm in Chicago

336% Return on investment for a criminal law firm in Chicago

Our ads generated over 1,500 leads for the client, with a conversion rate of over 30%.

We have protected the name of this firm at the request of our client.


As a criminal lawyer in Chicago, the client approached us with a need to increase their online presence and drive more leads for their business. They had previously relied on traditional advertising methods such as billboards, radio ads, and print advertisements, but had not seen the results they were hoping for. They were interested in exploring digital marketing options, particularly Google Ads and search engine optimization (SEO), but were unsure of how to get started.


We began by conducting a thorough analysis of the client’s website and current marketing efforts. We found that while their website was informative and well-designed, it was not optimized for search engines and lacked important keywords and meta tags. Additionally, their website was not mobile-responsive, which was limiting their potential reach to potential clients.




To address these issues, we implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy that included optimizing the client’s website for search engines, creating high-quality content with relevant keywords, and improving the website’s mobile responsiveness. We also installed Google Analytics on the website to track traffic and user behavior, which would help us refine our strategy as we moved forward.


Google Ads


Next, we turned our attention to Google Ads. We conducted extensive keyword research to identify the most relevant and profitable search terms for the client’s business. We then created a series of targeted ads that would appear when users searched for those keywords. Our ads emphasized the client’s expertise in criminal law, as well as their commitment to providing personalized service and achieving successful outcomes for their clients.



We also created customized landing pages for each ad, designed to provide users with a seamless and relevant experience. These landing pages included information about the client’s services, testimonials from previous clients, and a clear call-to-action encouraging users to contact the client to schedule a consultation.



To track the performance of our ads and ensure a positive return on investment (ROI), we set up conversion tracking in Google Ads. This allowed us to see which ads and keywords were driving the most leads and conversions, and adjust our strategy accordingly.


Return on Investment


Over the course of the next 12 months, we continued to refine our SEO and Google Ads strategies based on the data we collected through Google Analytics and conversion tracking. We focused on optimizing our ads for mobile users, as well as expanding our reach to new geographic locations and targeting new keywords based on user behavior.


The results of our efforts were remarkable. Over the 12-month period, the client saw a 330% ROI on their digital marketing investment, with a significant portion of that coming from Google Ads. Our ads generated over 1,500 leads for the client, with a conversion rate of over 30%. This meant that for every dollar the client spent on Google Ads, they earned more than $3 in revenue.


In addition to the success of our Google Ads campaigns, our SEO efforts also helped to significantly increase the client’s visibility and website traffic. Organic search traffic increased by more than 200% over the course of the year, and the client’s website now ranks at the top of Google search results for a number of important keywords in their industry.

Services performed:

  • Google ads management
  • WordPress Development
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Call tracking

Technology used:

  • Google ads
  • Google analytics
  • Google search console
  • Facebook advertising
  • Instagram advertising
  • Hubspot
  • Brandalytics Call Tracking

“I cannot thank the team at LegalCompass enough for their exceptional digital marketing expertise. Before partnering with them, our business was struggling to gain traction in the digital space and generate leads through our website. But with their help, we were able to transform our online presence and achieve incredible results.


Their work on our website design, SEO, and Google Ads campaigns was nothing short of impressive. They took the time to understand our business and our goals, and then developed a customized strategy that was tailored to our needs. Their attention to detail, deep understanding of digital marketing best practices, and commitment to results were evident in every aspect of their work.


Thanks to their efforts, we saw a 330% ROI on our digital marketing investment over the course of just one year. Their Google Ads campaigns generated over 1,500 leads for us, and their SEO efforts helped to significantly increase our website traffic and improve our search engine rankings.

But what impressed me the most was their ongoing commitment to excellence. They continue to monitor and optimize our digital marketing efforts, using data and insights to refine their strategies and ensure that we are getting the most out of our investment. They truly care about our success, and it shows in everything they do.


I would highly recommend LegalCompass to anyone looking to improve their digital marketing results and grow their business online. They are a true partner, and I cannot thank them enough for the impact they have had on our business.”

Founding Partner

WordPress Development


Our work on the client’s website design also played a key role in their success. By improving the website’s mobile responsiveness and optimizing it for search engines, we were able to create a better user experience for visitors and increase the likelihood that they would contact the client for a consultation.




Overall, our digital marketing efforts have helped the client to establish a strong online presence and become a leading criminal lawyer in Chicago. The success of our campaigns has allowed them to grow their business and reach more potential clients than ever before.


But our work doesn’t stop there. We continue to monitor and optimize the client’s digital marketing efforts on an ongoing basis, using data and insights to refine our strategies and maximize their ROI.


In addition to our work on SEO, website design, Google Ads, and Google Analytics, we have also helped the client to establish a presence on social media and develop a content marketing strategy to engage with their audience and build their brand.


Through regular blog posts, social media updates, and other forms of content, the client is able to establish themselves as a thought leader in their industry and provide valuable information to potential clients. This content also helps to improve their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their website.


Overall, our comprehensive digital marketing strategy has helped the client to achieve their goals and become a leader in their industry. By leveraging the power of Google Ads, SEO, and other digital marketing channels, we were able to help the client achieve a 330% ROI on their investment and establish a strong online presence that continues to drive leads and revenue for their business.

Schedule a free consultation

We’re here to help and happy to talk about all of your digital marketing needs. Speak with the law firm marketing experts today.